Thursday, March 09, 2006

Research Papers and Reports

‘Australia's skill needs to be addressed by the Framework in 2006’, in Australian Flexible Learning Framework, December 2005,

Chan, S ‘mlearning: opportunities for introducing cognitive apprenticeships into trade-based apprenticeship training’, in 14th national VET research conference, Wodonga Institute of TAFE, Albury - Wodonga, July 5th to 8th 2005,

Geddes, S ‘M-learning in the C21st: benefits for learners’, in The knowledge tree: an e-journal in flexible learning in VET, October 2004,

Mellow, P ‘The media generation: maximize learning by getting mobile’, in ascilite 2005: balance, fidelity, mobility: maintaining the momentum? 2005,

Murray, C ‘M-learning and the new students thinking’, 2005,

New Book

Burkhardt, J M 2003, Teaching information literacy: 35 practical, standards-based exercises for college students, American Library Association, Chicago, Ill.
ERC 028.70711BUR

Summary: "This book, tied to the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, provides, hands-on tools for reference and instruction librarians at colleges and community colleges as well as for others appointed to teach students how to conduct research. Each exercise addresses one or more of the nationally accepted ACRL benchmark standards for information literacy education. The exercises promote conceptual and applied skills via active learning, problem-based learning, and resource-based learning. Ready to use and easy to modify, these 35 lessons can be used as a full semester course or as a single seminar or workshop. Covering the basics of planning, collecting, and evaluating, the exercises show how to access books and bibliographic information as well as periodicals and indexes, in addition to online sources". BOOK JACKET.

Internet Site

This is Jeremy Hiebert's instructional design and technology blog. It discusses interaction design and education technology. Highlighted in this discussion is "Classrooms as studios", advocating innovation in the classroom environment.