Thursday, September 08, 2005


Harnessing the potential of e-learning
October 25 –27, 2005, Sydney

This event will impart a comprehensive understanding of how to decide which technology options are right for your organisation, how to choose the most cost-effective technology, how to enhance the learning experience for users by customising content and design, how to successfully manage change to guarantee user buy-in, how to maximise the potential by incorporating e-learning with other training methodologies, how to identify future directions and innovations in e-learning.

Research Report

McEnhill, D., Adult Learning Inspectorate, Aspects of vocational education and training in Australia (2005), [2005, September 7].

This paper summarised the VET system, covering areas such as government and economy, training framework, funding, qualifications, providers, diversity, and participation and achievement. The paper intended to “look, learn and to reflect on how Australia is tackling problem that also affect England”.


Breaking Down Boundaries: A Conference on the International Experience in Open, Distance and Flexible Education – 17th Biennial Conference of the Open Distance Learning Association of Australia
November 9 – 11, 2005 Hilton Hotel, Adelaide

This exciting and innovative conference will be of interest to all managers and teachers in distance and flexible education, including those involved in the provision of educational programs in transnational settings.


2005 Learning Technologies: Combined Presence
November 9 – 11, 2005
Cooloola Sunshine Institute of TAFE, Queensland

Technologies 2005 is an opportunity for teachers, lecturers, trainers and educators in any field to learn about the latest interactive learning technologies and how they can be used effectively. This is your opportunity to hear from the experts, see what others are doing and debate the issues confronting us in the use of these technologies.