Monday, May 09, 2005


Strategic Higher and Vocational Education Marketing Conference
June 28 & 29, 2005, Sydney
June 27 & 30, 2005, Sydney (workshops)

This two day conference will be held at Dockside, Sydney in conjunction with 2 workshops to be held on the 27th and 30th June, 2005. Guest speakers include Sandra Pattison of NCVER, Dr Lianne Cretney-Barnes from Edith Cowan University, Tim Winkler from ANU, John Miles from
the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, and a keynote presentation by Dr Robert Bontrager from Oregon State University, USA. Four workshops are on offer and will include: market research; corporate partnerships; branding; and measurement.

Further information and registration access the above website, email: or phone: 02 9223 2600. A copy of the itinery is also available by contacting the ERC Librarian at CIT Southside Campus Library.