Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Internet Sites for August

Blended learning—a white paper: achieving success with blended learning

E-learning Centre—a resource designed for academics and training professionals consisting of links to world-wide learning resources

E-learning Centre—Blended learning

Elearnspace—a site intended for users, managers, developers, and facilitators of elearning. Covers a full range of issues, from what to consider before starting to how to evaluate what was done

Elearnspace—Blended learning

Learning Technology Research Institute—a central focus for learning technology research on design innovation, the development of e-learning environments and the theoretical basis of learning technology

NSW Dept. of Education and Training—Blended learning

New Book

Smith, P. 2005, Accomodating learning styles: relevance and good practice in VET, NCVER, Adelaide.
ERC TD/ TNC 81.06

This research was designed to identify how vocational education and training practitioners viewed learning style differences between students and how they took account of those differences in designing and delivering teaching. It involved surveys, focus groups and case studies in five TAFE institutes and one professional network of public and private trainers. The research found that teachers have developed a range of personal methods of identifying individual and group learning styles and a range of techniques to respond to them.


2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Remote, Virtual Working
September 8 – 9, 2005, Hotel Grand Chancellor

The conference is about practice and policy in remote virtual working from Australian and international businesses and government bodies. Get up-to-date findings, perspectives and recommendations from leading researchers and international practitioners.
Keynote speakers include: Monika Altmaier, Project Leader Internationalisation from Siemens Business Services, Germany, Mike Sinclair from Shell Information Technology International, UK & Australia, Dr Laga Van Beek, Manager from Connectivity Section, Information Economy Division, DCITA, Australia.